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Kenton H Johnson, MS
(click name for 4Mb PDF)Printable Resume

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Kenton is a 40-year independent businessman, and successful 50-year veteran of small to large project development, marketing and sales for:  business, government and military in both technical and non-technical markets.  Applying his skills, he has developed or launched several profitable businesses and projects

He has been instrumental in developing ground-breaking, international projects and presence, being trained, updated, then mentoring dozens of startups in multi-national and local business clubs, as well as through 100s of stellar connections and information sources worldwide.  Member of several professional groups; speaks, reads and writes some Spanish and French; taught highly-technical courses across the US and in Europe; written and published five books, four journals, five websites, dozens of marketing webpages and 100s of technical columns and articles; has had P&L responsibility to $220mm

Active Businesses (click graphic for graphical version)

Prosper Systems and Associated Newsletter:

  • Business Success: Guiding companies to be worth us$10mm+, as Finance Experts, Consultants, Chief Capital Officers (CCO):
    • Preparation (Conceptualize) - analysis, documentation;
    • Process (Capitalize)- funder connections ($100K-$100mm+ Finance Options), presentations, negotiations, staging;
    • Profit (Complete) - marketing, sales, operations, technology, personnel, project management, add'l financing and opportunities, best utilizing the many Profit Tools.
    • Optional: Purchase (Close):  optimize business stage, prepare for Public Offering or for our many buyers, maximize return on efforts and investments, and if desired, continue through the transistion.

  • Property Ownership Transition: Collaborate with Owners of large properties/projects and us$10mm++ Cash Purchasers around the world:
    • Turnkey Income Properties - Hotels, Apartment Complexes, Malls, Office Buildings, Industrial Parks
    • High-Tech - hardware, software, services and mobile Apps
    • Mines - Gold, Silver, PGM, Other Metals, Coal, Uranium, Gravel, Other Minerals
    • Energy Fields - Oil, Gas, Shale, Wind, Solar, Geothermal

  • Other Business Services:
    • Passive Income Streams: Real Estate Investing is one of many passive investment possibilities ranging from $1,000 on up with 30% Annual ROI and more.  Initial consultation currently offered at no charge - MMFFA
    • Real Estate Investment:  Passive and Active - managing the tools and professionals to acquire large commercial property such as apartment complexes - RE Investment
    • Passive Internet Marketing:  advise on THE formula that makes Internet marketers wealthy: GOgitMMM™ - (make a) Great Offer - Get (prospect) Information Today (builds a database) - Market, Market, Market (gently) - GOgitMMM
    • Guidance on the Education from Bill Bartmann, Brian Tracy and other greats
    • Write the Prosper Systems Blog and now Newsletter with associated LinkedIn Newsletters


  •, Online Vita, CV, Resume, Work History, Skills, Bio, Proposal or PPT Presentation Slides.

  •, directing its wide recognition throughout the US and beyond, compiled, edited and wrote articles for the site's online Wellness eJournal™

  •, updating a wide array of currency option trading information for students and veterans.

  •, providing a streamlined service to build the future of web marketing: user-maintainable, single-purpose sales letters for the initial sale, give-away, appointment or product/service introduction, that captures visitors' attention and involvement immediately, followed by gentle, opt-in marketing and exposure to more robust sites and affiliate programs.


B.S. General Engineering, California State University, San Jose

M.S. Inter-Disciplinary Systems, California State University, San Jose

License, Professional Engineer, State of Colorado (expired)

Post Graduate, 6 units, French, Colorado College, Colorado Springs

Post Graduate, 60 units, Technology and Management, University of Southern California, Los Angeles; University of Colorado, Colorado Springs/Boulder/Denver

Credential, Community College Instructor, Computer and Related Technologies, California


Accomplishments (click graphic for graphical version)

Continuously studying business startups, financing and marketing. Mentoring multi-national and local businesses. Founded Meetup - Startups 2.0™.  

Building us$10mm+ Startups, preparing them for sale, and actively expanding Companies, Collaborators and Capital sources.

Documented, publicized and co-developed state-of-the-art mixed-qualitative / quantitative decisions-making system for transportation, other planning and business.

Dozens of confirmed predictions and action on them: Business, Marketing, Sales, Computers, Web Tech, Other Tech, Mining, Real Estate, Social Movement, Video Tech, Wind Tech and Drones

Engineering Computer Applications Newsletter (ECAN) - marketed, sold, wrote and published highly-respected international A-E-C newsletter on PCs, starting 2 years before IBM's PC, as well as 5 books, 3 journals, 5 current websites, 2 current blogs, and 100s of technical columns/articles.  See Publications below.

Marketed, sold and presented 50+ well-received state-of-the-art business, computer and interactive graphics seminars in the USA/Europe.  Request latest Course Proposal.

Pioneered GOgitMMM™ marketing and web sites with superior online presence.

Provided technical marketing to computer, building and health industries .

Developed 1000s of real connections and information sources worldwide.

Launched a ground-breaking technical software product into several national and international technical markets, including major marketing and sales campaigns, full trade show booth/ participation, publicity campaigns, advertising, direct mail, promotionals, databases and all literature.

Marketed legislative voting system into city and county governments, in the US and internationally, including major marketing and sales campaigns, display booth/participation, publicity campaigns, advertising, promotionals, databases and new literature.

Member and contributor, several professional groups and organizations.

Marketed and managed technical drawing conversion for major graphics systems, outselling the other four salesmen combined.

Train, consult and support 100s of entrepreneurs and real estate investors

Professional Engineer (PE) License, State of Colorado (expired), preceded by Engineer in Training (EIT), California.

Completed a pioneering Inter-Disciplinary MS in Cybernetic Systems - California State University, San Jose.

Developed new comprehensive PC guidelines within very wide-ranged user and management understanding and opinions.

Speak, read, write some Spanish/French and edit romance-language to English translations - marketing and technical.

Led software updgrades and implementation, multi-$B SR-71 ELINT system for live Asian missions.

Senior Analyst/Engineer, multi-$B NORAD Cheyenne Mountain upgrade, (within 18 months of university graduation).

Managed profitable real estate projects: apartment houses, rehabs, as well as others' and personal rentals.

Co-developed and fully-documented analysis applications for world’s premiere computer traffic control system.

Developed full redistricting mapping system to street level from scratch for 11 state governments.

Launched several Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) mini and PC systems.

Advanced computerized design, development and cost accounting - major state road construction tech and 100s of Engineering, Architecture and Construction firms across the USA.

Designed, promoted and enrolled 591 (mostly) non-marketing-oriented practitioners into Metro Denver then national professional health association, and Guides, Journals and Website (with larger eGuide and continuing eLetter™ / eJournal™) - single-handedly 300 in 2 years then 211 more in next 4, plus 80 through a Louisiana practitioner.

Developed several complex feasibility studies and implementation plans.

First consultant then led team implementing new mainframe computer use for water Engineering/Planning.

Promoted, and often managed, top-management decision-making groups and project task forces.

Improved customer relations of professional teams, streamlining project and decision-making activities.

Wrote reorganization plans to consolidate diverse computer activities into smooth-functioning groups.

Upgraded documentation, work scheduling, reporting and general communications standards in several technical organizations.

Successfully marketed, sold, and supported, via phone, mail and directly: software, computer and other products, as well as environmental and automated services.

Created and executed marketing plans, promotions and sales for high-tech companies of many sizes.  Increased sales by as much as 400%.

Promoted, sold, and managed consulting and programming contracts for interactive graphics, technical analysis, and office applications.

Publications (click graphic for graphical version)

Online Business Articles - Golden InfoNuggets, Startups, Wealth, Leadership, GOgitMMM™ Power Internet Marketing, Books/ Startups, Internet Marketing & Glossaries - author, edit, maintain, market, 10pp, 2014-

Top Vitas Online CV, Resume, Bio Site - - author, edit, maintain, market, 20pp, 2010-

Prosper Systems Blog and now Newsletter with associated LinkedIn Newsletters - author, edit, maintain, market, 100s pp, 2009-

Website Building using GoDaddy. com's Website Tonight - Website Yesterday - author, co-author, edit, maintain, market, 7pp, 2008-

Business Information Articles - - author, edit, maintain, 200pp, 2005-

Millionaire Mind Financial Freedom Account Consultation - MMFFA - authored, maintain, market, Chief Consultant, 2pp, 2004-

Several Business Documents - authored, revised, edited, promoted, 2-50pp ea, ~50, 1994-: 

Formats (Overviews and Business Plans);


Sales Sheets;

Business Plans;

Marketing/Sales Plans/Systems.


The Magic of Bio-Algae Concentrates: The Michael Kiriac Story - collaborated, edited, published, 48pp, 2003.  Free download.

2012 CompWellness Legacy Site - - author, co-author, edit, maintain, market, until sold to another publisher, 700pp, 2003-2012

Complementary Wellness Journal, Denver Metro - authored, co-authored, edited, published, distributed, 6-16pp each, bi-monthly, 2001-2003.  Sample 16pp PDF.

CompWellness Blog - Full-Spectrum Healthcare - co-authored, edited, maintained, marketed, 20pp, 2009-2012

WebPages / Online Brochures - sub-sites - some doubled as 2-column/ 2-sided stand-up brochure - authored, co-authored, edited, maintained, marketed, 1-5pp ea, 3 dozen, 2000-2012

21st Century Wellness eLetter™ as part of CompWellness - authored, co-authored, edited, maintained, marketed, 2-4pp ea, 37 issues, 1999-2012

Wellness eJournal™ as part of CompWellness - authored, co-authored, edited, maintained, marketed, 2-4pp each, 65 articles to date, 1999-2012

Complementary Healing eGuide - 100 modalities, in CompWellness - authored, co-authored, edited, maintained, marketed, 200pp, 1999-2012 - Full-Spectrum Healthcare information  - authored, co-authored, edited, maintained, marketed, sold to another publisher, 500pp, 1999-2003

Complementary Healing Guide, New Orleans Metro/Northshore - 48-modality text supported by local practitioners - co-authored, edited, helped publish and market, 112pp, 2000.  Text combined into the eGuide at

Complementary Healing Guide.  Text combined into the eGuide at CompWellness.PSkhj.comFull eBook version.

Denver Metro - 45-modality text supported by local practitioners - authored, co-authored, edited, published, distributed, 144pp, 1998.

Boulder County - 49-modality text supported by local practitioners - authored, co-authored, edited, published, distributed, 128pp, 1997

Denver Metro - 36-modality text supported by local practitioners - authored, co-authored, edited, published, distributed, 128pp, 1997.

Books / Booklets

Buying A Small Computer, American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC) and Construction Industry Press; adapted to ASCE article (reprint page) - authored, edited, 34pp, 1981-2.  Web Search.

Article reprint compilations from Engineering Computer Applications Newsletter (ECAN) - authored, compiled, edited, published, marketed, sold, 16-28pp ea, half dozen, 1980-1981.

Articles / Presentations / Media Placements

Several articles and media placements - computers, emergency preparation, wellness, CADD - authored, edited, placed, 1-4pp ea, ~100, 1985-2003

Several invited papers and presentations for several technical groups, and articles for one dozen national and local technical periodicals (road, civil, construction, graphic, professional engineering) - authored, edited, 1-20pp ea, ~50, 1980-1986.

Computer Alternative Studies and Master Plans - Colorado Computer Consulting (CCC) and ECA Inc, authored, edited, 12-100pp ea, 5 dozen, 1978-1987:

CADD Opportunities - Sigma Design;

Computer-Aided Drafting Alternatives Study - Johns-Manville Sales Corporation;

Computer Alternatives Study - Centennial Engineering;

Computer Alternatives Study - Victor Huff & Associates;

Computer Automation Master Plan - EC Jordan;

Long-Term Computerization Plan - Stetson-Harza AEP.

Newsletters / Documents

Engineering Computer Applications Newsletter (ECAN) - ECA Inc, authored, co-authored, edited, published, distributed, 6-14pp ea, monthly, 1979-1985.  Copyright Search.

Decision-making articles, Systemation Letter - authored, edited, 4pp ea, 4 issues, 1974-1975.  Search for others.

Scientific Program Library Documentation and SPARKS Newsletter - Denver Water Department, Colorado, authored, edited, 250pp, 1978 In-house technical users newsletter, SPARKS - Denver Water Department, Colorado, authored, edited, 1pp ea, bi-monthly, 1977-1978

Goal-Fabric Analysis (for mixed, qualitative-quantitative decision making) - thesis, California State University, San Jose, authored, edited, published, adapted to USFS and Systemation, 115pp, 1972

San Jose Traffic Control Project Program Documentation-Operations Manual - Research and Development Department, City of San Jose, California, co-authored, edited, 600pp, 1971

Traffic Census Computer User's Manual - USDA Forest Service Transportation Systems Planning Development Project, California State University, San Jose, co-authored, edited, 500pp, 1970

Other Writing - Several major web search entries, including the above references and:

Business Articles - on web search, such as Funding Glossary and Books for Startups, 2010-

Health Articles - at, and on the road in the Wellness eJournal™, 1999-2003

Experience (Conventional Format - Printable Version)

Prosper Systems, Founder   (Jan 2000 - Present)

Business Planning/Funding - As Finance Experts, Consultants, Chief Capital Officers (CCO), prepare clients for funding presentations for new and existing businesses from $100K to $100mm+. Analyze Finance Options and introduce vetted funders. Analyze marketing plans, sales plans, financial statements, management team and business operations; provide additional management team members available upon funding; analyze document compliance; update all documents for presentation; develop funding presentation strategies and assist with presentation preparation; assist with funder negotiations; provide additional administrative services or personnel; and prepare for and sell the business at the best time and ROI.

Property Ownership Transition: Collaborate with Owners of large properties/projects and Cash Purchasers around the world.

Real Estate Investment - managed the tools and professionals to acquire large commercial property such as apartment complexes via a passive program to take the research, management and confusion out of real estate investing or an active program to research, obtain and manage real estate.

Implement Internet Marketing.

Excellent House, LLC, Managing Partner   (Nov 2004 - Dec 2009)

Find, improve and market financially or physically depressed properties in nice neighborhoods - working with investors, retail buyers, lenders, and other real estate services, to create and winning result for all. Managed several units and projects.

CompWellness Network, Founder/Director   (Sep 1996 - Jan 2012)

International, dynamic, growing organization of healthcare practitioners, practitioner groups and related businesses, as well as a strong marketing organization yielding low overhead for the sponsoring members and high impact towards the group's mission.

High-Tech Marketing, Principal Consultant   (Sep 1987 - Aug 1996)

Created and executed marketing plans, promotions and sales for high-tech companies of many sizes. Increased sales by as much as 400%.

Colorado Computer Consulting, Owner   (Aug 1978 - Dec 1990)

Designed and implemented 100s of Complex Technical hardware and software applications. Studied and implemented Computer-Aided-Design/Drafting (CADD) systems. Construction, engineering, geological, scientific, political and administrative. Mainframe, timeshare and PCs. International newsletter for Engineers. 50 Seminars US and abroad.

Denver Water Department, Scientific Consultant   (Jan 1976 - Aug 1978)

Trained and consulted engineers and techs on utilizing new mainframe computer: newsletters, classes, subprogram development, software conversions, documentation and direct assistance.

Systems Development Corporation, Sr Analyst/Engineer   (Mar 1973 - Sep 1975)

Designed and implemented hardware and software systems in NORAD Cheyenne Mountain. Clearance: Top Secret.

US Air Force, Lieutenant, ELINT Programming (Aug 1971 - Mar 1973)

Led programming team on SR-71 ELINT system. Clearance: Top Secret, Special Intelligence. Honorable Discharge from Reserves, 1975.

City of San Jose Traffic Division, Chief Programmer   (Sep 1967 - Aug 1971)

Programmed and created documentation system for all applications to implement the most state-of-the-art automated traffic system in world at that time: statistical analysis, reliability, routing and graphing.

USDA Forest Service, Analyst/Programmer   (Sep 1969 - Jun 1970)

Transportation Systems Planning Development Project (highest-paid college student position). Documented, publicized and co-developed state-of-the-art mixed-qualitative/quantitative decisions-making system for transportation and other infrastructure planning.

California State University and Area Businesses, San Francisco Bay Area   (Sep 1965 - June 1970)

Part-Time, summers and during school year: Programmer/Analyst, USDA Forest Service Transportation Systems Planning Development Project (highest-paid student position); Manager, 12- and 24-unit Apartments; Water Quality Analyst (led to Traffic Division programmer); Mystery Shopper; Math Professor’s Assistant.

Additional Information (Click links - reload if slow to redirect)

Skills • Writings • Accomplishments • Marketing (graphical) • Recommendations (pdf) • Project Services (topical)

Specific Resumes (pdfs, include Project Management): Financial Analysis • Writing • Sales • Prop Mgt • Teaching • LinkedIn

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